If you’re in full freak out mode, get off the computer and DO SOMETHING. My family and I knocked doors in CO-8 last weekend and it felt wonderful to be out there (and not just because of the beautiful fall weather in Colorado). We’re heading to Las Vegas to canvass this weekend and have been doing postcards with MomsRising and letters with Vote Forward as well.
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Labor Day is the unofficial kickoff of campaign season. While Election Day is 61 days away, absentee ballots will be mailed out in North Carolina THIS Friday, 9/6, and early voting starts in Pennsylvania on 9/16. We cannot let our foot off the gas. This will be a very close election at the top of the ticket and down the ballot.
Annual polling reminder: Margin of error is real. Every battleground state is within the margin of error. They will all be close. Stop refreshing FiveThirtyEight and get to work.
Scroll down for how to help key candidates, battleground state GOTV efforts, and election administration and election protection efforts.
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So, how was your July?
President Biden has stepped aside and Vice-President Kamala Harris locked up the Democratic nomination in a record 32 hours, raising $100m for the campaign.
Aside from the candidate, what has changed? Not a lot. The basics haven’t changed but nuances in geography and demography will continue to change on the margins. This will still be a very, very close election fought in 6-7 states. Our voters are more energized -- but so are theirs.
Whereas before Sunday, I was planning for worst-case scenarios, now I am trying to dream big. More to come on that…
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