AL Advising

Philanthropic and Political Consulting

AL Advising works with progressive philanthropists to create a portfolio of civic engagement, policy, and advocacy investments including 501c3, 501c4, candidate, and related political giving.

Filtering by Tag: Chronicle of Philanthropy

The Left Can Win by Emulating Conservative Philanthropy

This is a hot take from Deborah Barron, Founder of New Left Accelerator, in the Chronicle of Philanthropy. She endorses the idea of portfolio giving and getting creative in funding entities.

“Conservatives have long grasped this, making long-term investments in whatever legal vehicles are necessary — including advocacy groups and corporate entities — to effect change.

Now bold progressive grant makers are exploring how charities can engage in the full range of sanctioned activities, including lobbying. And innovative leaders are thinking beyond 501(c)(3)s and establishing a variety of organizations — including advocacy groups, political-action committees, and other entities — to accomplish their mission and win key battles.”

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Young Tech Donors Take Leading Role

In light of the announcement of the Chan Zuckerberg Initiative yesterday, this article from The Chronicle of Philanthropy, Young Tech Donors Take Leading Role in Philanthropy 50, is even more timely. 

It's worth noting, as the article points out, that many tech donors have yet figured out their funding priorities. Older institutional donors like Gates obviously have and some, like Sean Parker, have a pet cause, but the bulk of giving is essentially financial "set asides" to community foundations or other holding entities. This is not surprising as many tech donors are still working full-time and not yet focused on philanthropy as their day job. 

I would encourage tech donors to take more of a hybrid approach to their giving: try some new, bold ideas; support some "old school" institutions and organizations; and experiment with new models of giving, like the Chan Zuckerberg LLC that allow giving beyond 501c3 donations.