AL Advising

Philanthropic and Political Consulting

AL Advising works with progressive philanthropists to create a portfolio of civic engagement, policy, and advocacy investments including 501c3, 501c4, candidate, and related political giving.

It's not just Hillary

In all the debate and hoopla over playing the women's card and voting for Hillary because she's a woman, it's easy to lose sight of key down-ballot races. 

I'm fortunate to work with Electing Women Silicon Valley, part of the Electing Women Alliance. In 2016, we're focused on electing more women to the U.S. Senate. There are an unprecendented number of qualified women running this cycle -- 10 total -- representing some of the most competitive races in the country. Many are also women of color. EMILY's List and others also work to raise money for these incredible candidates. 

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